Saturday, February 22, 2025


My journey from a mitumba seller to a top dairy farmer

The following dairy profile was first published in the Saturday Nation. Monica Wambui has 45 dairy cows of Friesian and Ayrshire breeds, 15 from which...

Why your dairy cows should not be fed immature or overgrown grass

The rainy season is here in most parts of the country, hence grass and fodder are growing at a fast pace. However, there are...

How I use chicken manure to keep my capsicum disease-free

David Kipchumba owns a 8 by 15m greenhouse at his home where he plants yellow capsicum. “I plant this variety because it is in high...

How youth group is making profit farming passion fruits

A few kilometres from Bomet town, at the African Inland Church, Boito, is a greenhouse teeming with passion fruit seedlings at various stages of...

Annie Nyaga: The 28 Year Old Watermelon Millionaire

Farming has always been associated with illiteracy and the older generation. But one young lady has debunked all this myths. Annie Nyaga, who boasts of...



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