Monday, January 13, 2025


How To Raise Rabbits For Money In Your Farm

Rabbits grow very fast and the female rabbit produce 2 to 8 kids every time. They can consume very low quality food and turn...

Easy Tips On looking After Your Chickens While You’re On Holiday

Most farmers have marked the days off on their calendar with breathless anticipation of forthcoming December holiday. Packing up and leaving home for a...

How to prevent navel infections in newborn calves

Navel or joint ill is a disease of young calves, usually less than one week of age. It occurs as a result of infection entering via the umbilical cord at,...

How to earn the most from your layers

BY DR JOHN MUCHBI A farmer needs to understand flock production capabilities, how to budget for feeds for layers up until the point of lay,...

5 steps on how to prevent calf scour

Calf scour is a major issue for young calves during the cold period. Calf scours is not a single disease; it is a clinical sign...



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