Saturday, October 19, 2024


Safaricom now to run fertilizer distribution system

Safaricom has been contracted to pilot an electronic-based fertiliser distribution system that will avail the farm input to farmers early and help eliminate corruption...

Chris Kirubi defends Haco staff over profit manipulation, blames poor morale for sales dip

Directors of Haco Tiger Brands have defended their company on allegations of financial impropriety, saying the dip in sales was as a result of...

What awaits Equity Bank in DR Congo

The following opinion feature by investment analyst George Bodo was first published in the Business Daily. Equity Bank’s purchase of a 79 per cent stake...

Aga Khan Hospital to pay woman Sh. 4.3 million child support after failed birth control

A hospital has been ordered to fund the upbringing of a child who was conceived after a long-term contraceptive implant on her mother failed. The...

Poultry farmer who developed kit to test egg fertility

A local agricultural innovator developed a kit for poultry farmers to use in checking egg fertility and assess progress during incubation. Called ‘Candling box,’...



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