Monday, March 10, 2025


A simple way to find out if your eggs will hatch

Candling is the process of checking the quality of an egg using illuminating light. This helps to ensure the interior of the egg is free...

Why green feeds are harmful to your rabbits

Charles Kimenju feeds his rabbits on what looks like very dry grass that one may consider unpalatable to the animals. “This hay is what is...

Why NSE will reward investors who buy shares now

The following analysis by George Bodo was first published in the Business Daily The stock market hasn’t been impressive in the first half of 2015....

Motorists using Safaricom’s Lipa Na M-pesa to fuel to pay more than those using cash

A motorist spending Sh2,000 for fuel and using Safaricom’s mobile money wallet Lipa Na M-Pesa will now pay Sh10 more compared to a person...

Top Equity Bank Uganda manager sued for stealing Sh.282 million

The following report was first published in the Business Daily. An Equity Bank Uganda executive has allegedly swindled the lender of $2.8 million (Sh282 million),...



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