After successfully traversing through the Rift Region, Safaricom has now embarked on the second week of its Sambaza Furaha campaign in the Mount Kenya Region to...
The camp culminates a week-long series of activities in the region as part of Safaricom’s Sambaza Furaha Campaign.
Kericho, 17th September 2024… Over 3,000 residents...
Hundreds of children at the Eldoret Children’s Rescue Centre in Kamukunji, were treated to an early Christmas celebration courtesy of Safaricom’s ongoing Sambaza Furaha...
Standard Chartered handed over a cheque of KES 7,000,000 to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) on Friday 15 November 2024 at Mathare Vocational Training Center,...
The handover of the 'Shine Kenya Shinda Mamilii Kama Bingwa' Community projects supported by the Safaricom Foundation officially kicked off in Machakos and Kitui...