Friday, September 20, 2024


Mortgage vs Tenant Purchase: which is better home buying option

The requirements in a tenant-purchase scheme are not as stringent and as detailed as those in a mortgage. The homebuyer in a tenant-purchase enjoys...

Tenant-purchase way of owning a home in Kenya

The tenant purchase scheme is an alternative payment method for property acquisition whereby the home buyer makes a down payment and is able to access the...

Gakuyo accused of defrauding over 7,000 aspiring home owners

Barely two weeks after real estate firm Simple Homes was exposed as a scam, another saga has emerged, this time involving the popular Gakuyo...

Things to consider when you start planning to own a home

BY WACEKE NDUATI-OMANGA Owning your own home is a goal sought by many. Here are some of the issues to consider as you work towards...

A to Z of taking a mortgage in Kenya

BY GEORGE LABOSO Many aspire to own a house, but not many can put together millions of shillings required as payment. Through mortgage financing, owning...



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