Monday, November 11, 2024


An open letter to Kenyan men with families

Kenyan men with families, here is an open letter to give you that reality check on why you must not neglect yourself in the...

The best strategy to buying or building a house cheaply in Kenya today

One of the most desired financial goals is to stop paying rent and have a home to call your own, but the costs involved...

Nairobi’s Trance Towers with monthly rental income of Sh. 8.8mn to be auctioned

The Trance Towers building in Nairobi has been put up for auctioning. The auctioning of the building shall be carried out by Garam Investments...

Why Konza Technopolis will become the first Smart City in Eastern Africa

In recent years, Kenya has taken the lead in East Africa’s push to become the first 'smart region.' The country has invested trillions in...

How you can become a home owner even if you only earn a small salary

My dream house! This is a phrase that has crossed everyone at one point or another. It is an ambition that every Kenyan aspires...



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