Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Late Chris Kirubi: “I started out as an ordinary salesman in Nairobi”

Chris Kirubi wealth: It is remarkable and at the same time very sad how, many people ignore the obvious especially those who are deprived. Why am I saying this? We moan a lot about not having enough money, not getting a job and make excuses why we are not doing well or achieving our set targets.

However, do we ever question if at all we worked hard enough, worked smart or even used the opportunities we had to get ahead? Most of the time we sit and moan hoping our problems will simply go away.

Well, I will tell for sure that they will not. Self-pity and whining will not change your situation but doing something about it will. If you are struggling to make ends meet and wondering how to make some extra money or move to the next step, then you need to take positive action. Do something positive that will guarantee a change in your current situation.

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If it means volunteering so that you get the right work experience or for others to recognize your skills and strengths, then do it. I chose to make poverty my motivating factor and the art of making money my goal. I looked for every opportunity I could get to make myself credible and known for any future work responsibilities.


I was a young salesman when I rented an office at International House (then International Life House). All the money I was making went to paying my rent and other utilities. However, time came for the landlords who were British to return to their country. They needed a Manager, someone to manage the property, collect the rent and send it to them. Without thinking twice I seized the opportunity.

Regardless of whether I was qualified to take up the job or not, I knew I had an upper hand because of my cordial relations with the owners. I made them an offer and during that period they were able to evaluate me and eventually appoint me as a Manager on a full time basis. I knew this was going to be my breakthrough, my money maker, my game changer, so I worked as though my life depended on it and a few years down the line, I purchased the building.

One ‘small’ opportunity turned my life around.

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These opportunities can also turn your life around but that will depend on your way of thinking and attitude. Unfortunately, we get so comfortable when we get an opportunity that we end up wasting time rather than using it to change our lives. We feel, ‘this is it’, ‘I have made it’, ‘I can relax’ and you forget that it’s only the beginning. You digress from your original vision, want to upgrade your standard of living, let everyone know that you have a new job/promotion, share that you won a particular tender etc.

Do not be carried away. You need to inject more effort into your work output rather than in your celebration if you want to keep scaling higher.

Great opportunities don’t come every day; recognize and seize them with every chance you get so that you can keep attracting more and more. You have a greater goal to achieve and being swayed by the ‘little’ you get right now is not it. Money makes money; the little you have can help you get more.

Don’t sit and wait thinking help is coming….it is not! The Government will not make a public announcement appointing you while you are seated waiting for another day to pass. You are the key to getting that money and acquiring wealth. Once you get it, manage it and look at what you can do to get much more for the future. Work not only for today, but also for tomorrow.

It’s time to change your way of thinking. Money is available and attainable. But then again, it’s for the ‘few’ who perceive it that way and do something about their perception. Chris Kirubi wealth.



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