Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Chris Kirubi: How to turn your failure into opportunity

Chris Kirubi’s BiographyW: hen I first ventured into business, I honestly did not know what I was getting myself into.

I thought having a small office with a computer and an assistant was enough to bring me business and get me going. I did not know that I had to go the extra mile to look for clients who would give me business.

Like any other successful businessman, I needed to believe in what it is I was doing and earn the trust of my potential clients… I needed to be the brand ambassador of my own brand.

Co-Op post

Now I agree that starting out is not easy, neither is it for the faint hearted but you must have a vision of where you want to go and a realistic plan that will help you achieve that vision.

Chris Kirubi’s Biography: the failing


I failed a couple of times on my journey of a thousand steps and I recall one particular venture that I drew quite a few lessons from. I decided to venture into the painting industry. I never bothered to find out if at all people would buy my paint but I believed that if I produced quality then no one would have a problem purchasing my brand.

Unfortunately, at that time, the industry was dominated by certain individuals and I came to realize that the consumer and distributor of the paint were the contractors.

They would trick me into purchasing the paint on credit and only promise to pay once the structures were complete. But this never came to be so I went at a loss. I quickly decided to shut down the company and sell everything before I went into further debt. I could not afford to waste my time hanging onto a business that was not working.

All this did not deter me from achieving my vision. It however gave me the strength and power to move on to better things. I became wiser and made sure that every business I invested in thereafter would be a success.

Chris Kirubi’s Biography: the process

Friends, the decision to become a businessman or woman is easy… but the process of becoming a great and successful business person is what’s tasking. You must be willing to endure tough times and go the extra mile if at all you want to be successful. If you have an opportunity to become self-employed then take it… but take it up seriously and be focused.

Breaking even after the first year doesn’t mean you have made it yet. It goes to show that so far you are making business sense and now it’s time to take things a notch higher.

I once told a group of graduates that when you settle to do something, you must be committed to that move which should be in line with your vision. However, it may not be supported by everyone, but there should always be a consensus in the end, by proving your point through results.

Chris Kirubi’s Biography: business decisions

So make sure that every decision you make makes business sense…I wish you all the best in your journey of a thousand miles.


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