Saturday, February 22, 2025

Citi Hoppa Buses Are Letting Matatu Culture Down, It’s High Time They Evolved

By Bizna Brand Analyst

Taking a ride in a Citi Hoppa bus makes you feel like it’s 1970 and Jomo Kenyatta is somewhere addressing the nation. Everything just looks old, scary and tiresome. A bumpy ride in the green and yellow bus wrecks your body like a Tequila-filled weekend. This is one of those buses that makes you get a jet lag after a 20-minute journey.  Old engines cause the bus to jerk and buck like a mechanical bull.

In an age where there are cool matatus all over Nairobi, I don’t understand why Citi Hoppa buses stay the same as they were a decade ago. Are they supposed to be as timeless as the sun or what?  The good thing is that such buses give you more motivation to buy a car. But even when you own a car, you might be forced to take a bus ride sometimes. Your car might have mechanical problems or you might just not feel like driving. Whatever you do, don’t board a Citi Hoppa Bus

Co-Op post

The seats are old and worn out, the windows don’t open and the seats seem to be smaller than those of usual buses. It also seems like it takes over a month before these buses get cleaned on the inside. Dirt is everywhere, creating a habitat for flu viruses. No wonder Citi Hoppa is a hub for false preachers. One of them wanted to beat me up because I gave him a one shilling coin intentionally, just to test his spirit.  As if all these troubles aren’t enough, Citi Hoppa fares remain among the highest in Nairobi.  Surely how much would a makeover cost for the owners?

And what’s with that ka-machine that produces receipts? It looks like something Alexander Graham bell invented. kinda like a typewriter or a fax machine. Why don’t they come up with something more modern or discard the thing altogether? We don’t really need receipts for our fare. It’s not like we’ll come back later and say “Hey Mr. Conductor, you charged me too much money, give me some back. Or I am going to….. Well. I am not going to do anything.”

Citi Hoppa buses make you feel like bus transport is probably the worst kind of transport ever. The brand needs to be revamped. I understand that not everyone loves the swagged up, club-themed matatus but it doesn’t hurt to give a public service vehicle a decent look.

My suggestions would be for all the company owners to start ushering in new-look modern buses. The old ones should be re-sold to different SACCOs outside Nairobi. Probably in rural areas here anything can do. This will also help in giving the city the great look it needs. Citi Hoppa is a great brand that shouldn’t be shamed by shoddy buses. Let’s make the change. It’s just a simple matter of policy. No big deal there right?


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