Saturday, March 15, 2025

Entries open for 2019 classic car and motorcycle sales event

Classic Car and Motorcycle Sale

Entries for the Classic Car and Motorcycle Sale are rolling in for this annual event which will be held in conjunction with CBA Africa Concours d’Elegance on Sunday September, 28th 2019 at the Nairobi Racecourse.

Space in the sales is limited to 30 slots on a first come first serve basis regardless of the condition of the vehicle, or bike. The event is the ideal opportunity for owners of unwanted cars and motorcycles made in 1994, or earlier to sell them. Among the cars on offer are a 1972 Morris, a 1992 Toyota MR2 Sports and 1986 Mercedes Benz.

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Co-Op post

The Classic Sale appeals to those interested in owning a classic for preparation for a future Concours. Others would like to add to their collection a distinctive car for weekend drives to take a break from the daily modern cars and motorcycles. The Auto Jumble is set aside for anyone who would like to sell spare parts and manuals for Classic and vintage cars and bikes.

Samantha Machayo, Classic Sale Secretary commented, “Instead of leaving old cars to rust in backyards enter them for the Classic Sale at the Nairobi Racecourse and sell them to potential buyers, who will  be attending the CBA Concours d’Elegance on Sunday September, 29th  2019. Decrepit cars can be a source of spare parts for enthusiasts who are repairing, or restoring their classics.”

The regulations and entry form for the Classic Car and Motorcycle Sale are available at the Bob Dewar Publicity office on second floor of Block G, Norfolk Towers, Kijabe Street and on the Concours website

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