Commercial Bee Keeping: It is one thing to keep a few bees for your homestead consumption and another to have bees that produce honey for commercial purposes. With modern beekeeping in Kenya ideas, it is easy to produce honey today than it ever was before. First, you need to prepare yourself when it comes to producing honey commercially.
Savannah Honey: Honey is five times more expensive than oil and its demand is increasing not only in Africa but all over the world. Priced at between $6-$11 (Ksh. 500 – Ksh. 1,100), one kilo of honey in Kenya costs five times what a litre of petrol does, and in the Arab market, a jar of honey can fetch almost double this amount ($15-$25).
5 reasons why you should invest in beekeeping in Kenya
It is a price tag that has honey producers all over the world salivating. This is according to Savannah Honey – a Kenyan social enterprise that has been involved in empowering interested beekeepers for the last seven years through offering training on modern beekeeping, provision of Langstroth beehives and other beekeeping equipment, management of the apiaries, provision of the bees, technical support and, marketing of the honey.

Once you have decided that honey will be your business then you should consider the human-insect relationship. Bees can be extremely dangerous if not handled properly as their sting could even lead to death. To prevent this from happening, therefore, consider stingless beekeeping. You will still get the quality of honey you want without the inconvenience of having to worry about your workers or yourself getting stung.
For anyone planning to do this on a large scale then they have to consider getting a number of hives and harvesting materials. With the details on cost, it will be easy to plan out how to begin. Beekeeping in Kenya is a simple but profitable venture when done right from the beginning.
Demand for honey in Kenya – Beekeeping in Kenya
One of the reasons why beekeeping will always be a great idea is because the market for the products is always available. Not many Kenyans are able to access natural bee products hence the promise to supply quality honey and honeycombs will be something that will fetch you a lot of money. Nowadays, modern Kenyans are informed and many want the real thing as opposed to the sugar-infused packaged honey that is found in most stores.
If you are able to brand yourself properly and carry out your marketing research then you will be able to penetrate the market niche. What’s more, take advantage of the word-of-mouth smell. Always focus on treating your customers right as they are the ones that will spread the news about your product.
The demand for honey in Kenya cannot be exhausted. Contact local stress and supermarkets and also do direct marketing.
Kenya beekeepers association – professional guidance
While it is true that traditionally honey was collected in the forest, the need for beekeeping arose when the demand for the product increased with shortness of supply. This necessitated professionals to step in and bring in the scientific knowledge on how to keep bees and make them work for you.
This thus led to the formation of the association which is rich in all types of information regarding bees. Farmers and other interested persons can always visit to find out details concerning bees and honey. If you want to learn management skills and how best to maintain quality in bee farming then the Kenya beekeepers association is the place to visit. Learn about the different types of bees, the advantages of bees and generally everything that concerns bees and honey.
Beekeeping business in Kenya – start right
Once you have decided that this is the business for you then you should be prepared to do it correctly. Visit farmers and associations that deal with bee farming to equip yourself with the knowledge you need for bee farming. Seek help when it comes to choosing bee hives.
Understand the lifecycle of the bees and what they need to produce honey. When you start out the aim is to encourage and manage a constant supply of honey. It is impossible to do this when you have no idea what is expected of you.
Beekeeping in Kenya business plan treat it as a business
Just because you heard that people make up to 10000 shillings a month from a few bee hives does not mean that this happens haphazardly.
A little research shows that these farmers had strategized to reach at this point. It is not just enough to have land. Plan your bee farming before investing in it. Once you have gathered all the relevant information concerning food and bee behaviour then it will be time to implement. Supply all the things the bees need.
One thing that has worked for most farmers is choosing the right bee hives. With so many bee hives for sale in Kenya choosing the best for your region ought not to be a challenge. Only start this type of farming when you are sure that you can sustain it. Bees will move when they lack the basics they need.
Beekeeping profitability in Kenya – profits are guaranteed
When done right, beekeeping can be a venture that will sustain your lifestyle. The profitability of this venture is guaranteed more so if you are able to tap into the wide market. The fact that you almost use nothing for continued production makes it even more interesting. As long as you are prepared for the one-time investment then the rest is profit. All you have to focus on is proper management especially when certain natural constraints in weather occur.
Are you ready to start your commercial beekeeping journey? Contact Savannah Honey on 0721965337 – [email protected]