Chemist Retail Shops are popping up in every corner. But how do you start the business, grow and survive? What are the prospects?
The Chemist Retail Business Guide will help to jump start your investment in the pharmaceutical industry. It contains:
- Licenses
- PPB Licenses
- Company Registration
- Single User Business Permit
- Key Bodies in The Pharmaceutical Business
- Wholesalers and Suppliers
- Stocking
- Capital
- Revenue
- The Bigger Picture
- Sample Wholesale and Trade Prices
- Notes on Revenue
- Pricing
- Factors Influencing Revenue
- Revenue Summary
- Reasons for Failure In The Chemist Business
- Break Even
- Competition and Survival
- Competition Pointers
- On What Is Competition Based On
- Consumer Behavior
- Manpower
- A Note on Operations
“…Looking at the table above its easy to be seduced by the margins… Another reality check is that the sales don’t just happen in a day. It’s unlikely that you will sell 200 tablets of medicine A in a single day and make profits of Kshs.1000. It could take a week or even a month….. “
“…..Still on the same company LMN could also see the opportunity in the enhancement drugs, and so goes out there and finds a different drug by another company which is popular worldwide or in some countries. He brings samples but is denied registration by PPB for a reason or another. Nevertheless because he knows the drug is effective, relatively cheaper, with good margins and demand for sex enhancement drugs high, then he goes ahead and imports the drug even though it’s not registered. Of course he will be selling the drug illegally. .. There is also what is called “cargo” … All the above are possible scenarios…
“…The last alternative is to “rent a license”: partner with a registered pharmacist or qualified pharmacist technologist so that he acquires the licenses on your behalf. The modalities of such agreements are not cast in stone and could take many forms. The basis of it is that the pharmacist or pharmaceutical technologist is qualified ,registered or enrolled, he can acquire the requested licenses on your behalf from the PPB, and you will compensate him or her for it. You are essentially hiring the licenses. Here is how it works…”