Monday, March 10, 2025

Delivery of new Range Rover to Nairobi ends in deaths after crash with FRR

The delivery of a brand new Range Rover to Nairobi on Tuesday ended in deaths after the new vehicle was involved in a head on collision with an Isuzu FRR.

The accident occurred at Maji ya Chumvi area, which is a marked blackspot in Mariakani, along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway.

The driver of the Range Rover was identified as 37-year-old Jamal Mubarak. He was in the company of a female passenger.

Co-Op post

The Isuzu FRR truck was being driven by 58-year-old Stanley Maina who was heading to Mombasa.

“Jamal Mubarak, male adult aged 37 years, was driving a motor vehicle make Range Rover from Mombasa heading towards Nairobi. On reaching the location of the accident at Maji ya Chumvi area, while overtaking improperly, collided head-on with an oncoming motor vehicle Isuzu FRR,” a police report on the accident stated.


The Range Rover did not have the official registration number plate was still using the temporary registration at the time of the accident.

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This implied that the vehicle was using a third party license which is common with new vehicles that are on the road for delivery.

According to the online road safety awareness channel, Sikika Road Safety, the accident had occurred in an area of the road that is marked with a continuous yellow line, and was possibly due to speeding and human error.


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