Friday, September 6, 2024

Ombachi: I used Sh. 1.7 million Olympic earnings to settle my homeless family

Ombachi: I used Sh. 1.7 million Olympic earnings to settle my homeless family

Dennis Ombachi, better known as The Roaming Chef, recently shared details with his followers on X about his childhood.

The former Kenya Sevens Rugby player had previously opened up about his contrasting life experiences, where he mentioned having everything at one point and nothing at another, quelling curiosity among his followers.

Recently, Ombachi has been at the forefront of calling for accountability from President William Ruto’s government, taking a keen eye on the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy & Sports.

Co-Op post

He revealed that his mother was a teacher whose side hustle was selling clothes while his father was also well off. After the 2007 PEV struck the country, the aftermath of the violence was Ombachi’s family losing everything including a home.

“At 19 I was living in Rongai, from relatives to friends houses as we didn’t have a place to call home, my folks were jobless tulikua distributed kwa relatives as they hustled,” Ombachi recalled.

“I was young but I remember that day like yesterday, the fear and helplessness on your parents eyes is not something you easily forget.”


At the time, Ombachi would rely on donations from his supporters to attend training. He was determined to change his family’s poverty narrative.

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Ombachi went on to compete in the 2014 Commonwealth Games and the 2016 Rio Olympics with the Kenya 7s team. Afterward, he used his earnings, around Sh. 1.7 million at the time to build his parents a home.

“That’s why I say I have had everything and I have had nothing, thus don’t base your entire existence and value on money as it’s vanity,” he urged.

“I have seen good times, I have also seen bad times, hence me saying use the bas times to prepare for good times and good times to prepare for bad times because nothing lasts forever.”

He recognized the benefits that come with being wealthy and also advised his fans to prioritize the positive impact money can have on the lives of those in need, rather than spending it on self-gratification.

“It’s the reason why as much as I love money as anyone else, it’s not what defines me as a man, the value of money is not in the things it can buy, but the lives you can positively impact with it. No matter how much you make, you will never feel like you have made enough, but the little happiness you get by spending on those who need it the most will live with you forever.”


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