Thursday, March 13, 2025

Esther Muchemi: How to choose the bank that will help you grow your wealth

You cannot de-link yourself from banking in the process of growing wealth. Your banker will play a critical role in determining whether you end up rich or broke and debt-ridden.

So how do you choose the right bank and banker? This is the question Samchi Group chief executive officer, entrepreneur Esther Muchemi examined in her platform:

Who is your banker is a very different question from which is your bank. And I dare say, the WHO is more important than the which question in banking, especially if you are a start-up or an SME.

Co-Op post

This is because relationships open doors for you. You want a bank that;

1). listens to you.


2). follows up on how you are doing.

3). responds to you.

In other words a bank that cares about you.

To get to that level, you have to be consistently at it. And how do you prepare yourself for this great relationship with your banker?

1). Do some research on the bank.

Some banks will support certain businesses more than others. For example, one day I woke up to a rude shock, when my main bank told me that they didn’t finance hotel construction. Right then, the decision was made. I moved to a bank that could.

How Safaricom’s first dealer Esther Muchemi built her own multi-million business

2). Know your relationship managers and discern how empowered they are.

3). Do not spread yourself too thin in your early stages on matters banking. Bank with one bank to demonstrate your strength. This includes putting your savings, including fixed deposits, with them. This will act as security when you want to borrow. So you must therefore, bank with a credible bank, not those that can easily go down and go down with your money.

4). Bank all your money intact. I will not get tired of telling you this. Just do it! The banks look at this history.

5). Keep your books of accounts in order and file your returns with KRA, yes do!

7). Slowly build assets that can act as security, shares, fixed deposits, land, government bonds etc.

8). Learn to ask for what you would love from your bank. We call it the power of asking!

10). Formally register your business and formalize its operations. This mentality of ” jua Kali” is not very useful. Who wants to deal with make shift businesses?!

11). Build integrity around you and your business. It’s a currency that will speak for you. Keep it here as we speak on the advantages of borrowing in the coming days.


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