Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Family Bank officially flags off high school scholarships for 2023

High school scholarships: 302 bright but needy students have received scholarships through Tufuzu na Elimu programme by The Family Group Foundation in an event graced by the Director of Education.

The Foundation set aside KES 60 million to cater for tuition, accommodation, school uniforms, upkeep and regular mentorship programmes for four years for the beneficiaries selected across 32 counties.

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Co-Op post

Speaking during the students’ commissioning ceremony in Nairobi, the Director of Education Dr. Chacha Mwita commended the efforts made by The Family Group Foundation in extending equitable access to education.

“As a Ministry, we are fast-tracking reforms to ensure all secondary education sees a 100 per cent transition from each level.

It is therefore commendable to see private sector players support our efforts and strive to nurture learners by supporting learning costs for needy and vulnerable learners.

What The Family Group Foundation is doing is great because this is in line with the key focus of CBC curriculum to support the wholistic growth of the students,”

said Dr Mwita.


The Family Bank Chair Dr.Wilfred Kiboro, CEO Rebecca Mbithi, Director Of Education Dr. Chacha Mwita, The Family Group Foundation Chairman Dr. Francis Muraya (R) & two of the 302 high school beneficiaries during the 2023 commissioning of the KES 60 million programme for bright but needy students - Bizna Kenya
The Family Bank Chair Dr.Wilfred Kiboro, CEO Rebecca Mbithi, Director Of Education Dr. Chacha Mwita, The Family Group Foundation Chairman Dr. Francis Muraya (R) & two of the 302 high school beneficiaries during the 2023 commissioning of the KES 60 million programme for bright but needy students – Bizna Kenya

The Ministry of Education reported that it is working to ensure a 100 per cent transition of the 1.24 million students who sat for their Kenya Primary School Education Assessment last year.

“As a financial institution, we are cognizant of the financial hurdles that have faced students in the past year including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the general election and shortened school calendar,”

said Family Bank CEO Rebecca Mbithi.

“Our commitment has therefore been to not only offer financial services but also find ways to impact our societies.

Through this programme, we continue to expand the kitty in order to impact more students and support the government efforts to ensure 100 per cent transition to secondary schools,”

she added.

Since the inception of Tufuzu na Elimu programme, The Family Group Foundation has invested over KES 250 million in the education sector and has provided scholarships to over 1,000 students. As a result, the programme continues to witness a 95 per cent transition of its students to tertiary institutions.


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