Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feeding and vaccinating chicken broilers

To begin with, broiler birds take six to eight weeks to reach market weight. Therefore, in the case of feeding, provide broiler starter of 35 to 75g per chick per day from day 0 to week three, (increasing the amount gradually as the chicks grow).

Thereafter, provide broiler finisher from week four to week six or eight, allowing 80 to 150g per bird per day, increasing the amount gradually.

Between the third and fourth week, introduce the broiler finisher gradually to prevent stress on the birds’ digestive system. Since broilers take a shorter time in the farm, only New Castle Disease (NCD) and Gumboro (IBD) will be vaccinated against.

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First NCD vaccine will be offered on day seven and IBD on 14. Second NCD vaccine on day 21 while IBD on day 28 (the second vaccination is required to boost the first one).

For a wider range of poultry, you may want to consider a vaccination programme (cost-effective) for New Castle Disease (seventh and 21st day), Gumboro (14th and 28th day), fowl typhoid (week 9) and fowl pox (week 18). Deworm at week 12, thereafter, after every three months.

Common poultry diseases are mostly caused by bacteria due to poor hygiene and as such they can be controlled by antibiotics (broad-spectrum) and maintaining cleanliness.


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