Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How To Figure Out How Much Salary You Deserve

By Bizna Brand Analyst

Not sure if your salary is commensurate with your skills and accomplishments? Curious how your pay measures up to others’ in your field? Want to know what you’re really worth?

Good news: there are ways to figure that out. Here’s how to determine your value.

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Factor in your prior experience.

If you’re new to the workforce, the company, or the profession, you might make less than someone who has been in this job for years. So, when you look at that salary range you of established professionals in your field –you’ll probably want to place yourself somewhere at the bottom if you have little or no experience, or somewhere toward the top if you’re an established professional.

Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily deserve the “average” pay.

The average pay is just that; it’s the average of all the salaries that have been assimilated or submitted, It doesn’t mean that it’s what you should expect or deserve. If you’re an above average worker with a great work reputation, then it’s safe to say that you probably deserve to be at the top of the salary range or at the very least, above the average. No two employees are exactly alike



Think about your responsibilities.

Another important factor to consider is what your responsibilities are compared to other employees, If your manager assigns you a wealth of responsibilities, clearly he or she values you as an employee, and trusts that you can get things done. If you’re given more and more responsibilities with no pay increase, there’s a good chance you’re worth more than you’re making.

Think about your level of education.

In some professions, a bachelor’s or master’s degree could bump your salary significantly. If you go back to school and earn a degree while you’re working, make sure your employer is aware of this accomplishment.

Consider awards, on-the-job training and courses taken.

Any achievements that lead to concrete results, such as increased sales or reduced expenses or turnover, will increase your value.

So, if you’re constantly winning “Employee of the Month” or engaging in training courses related to the job, and it’s not reflected in your pay, you should bring this up at your next review.

Factor in your soft skills.

Are you a good manager or team leader? Do you know how to motivate others? Do you communicate and present well? Are you upbeat? These are all things to think about when figuring out what you’re worth, Soft skills count for a lot. If you’re a great confidante to your boss and can role model upbeat, motivational leadership; that can be worth its weight in gold.


Discuss salary with other professionals in your industry.

Tap mentors in the industry and ask them for their advice and feedback on what a fair compensation package would be, given your personal work and education history, as well as the location of the job and company.

While talking salary is historically taboo, you may be surprised how open trusted colleagues are when it comes to sharing salary. One tip is to politely ask a colleague if they’d be willing to meet with you for coffee to get their take on how best to tackle the topic of compensation with your boss. Even if colleagues are hesitant to provide some specifics around compensation, they may offer some valuable insight on the topic.

You should never get caught discussing salary with a co-worker, Unfortunately, in order to get the most accurate salary information that will help your cause, you probably have to talk to co-workers about their salary or about their knowledge of the salary range. The key is to do it as discreetly as possible. Pick one co-worker whom you trust and is in-the-know and swear them to secrecy..


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