Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A Full List of Properties and Companies Owned by The Late Nicholas Biwott

Nicholas Kipyator Kiprono arap Biwott (1940 – 11 July 2017) was a Kenyan businessman, politician and philanthropist. Biwott served as a civil servant, Member of Parliament and government minister, during which time he held eight senior ministerial positions during the presidency of Daniel Arap Moi.

Here is a list of properties and companies owned by the late Nicholas Biwott:

1 .Barsirim Investment -Biwott 100%
2.Kipsinende Farm- Biwott 100%
3. Rono Ltd- Biwott 100%
4.National Milling Corporation- Seven shareholders including Moi and Kulei
5.Yaya Centre (worth KSh 3.5 billion) –Biwott 100%
6.HZ Group of Companies- Biwott 100%
7.LZ Engineering Biwott 100%
8. Premier Group of Companies- Biwott 100%
9. HZ Construction and Engineering –Biwott 100%
10. Air Kenya Aviation Ltd- Biwott 100%
11. Pete Aviation and Electronics Ltd-Biwott 100%
12. Ziba Management & Services –Biwott 100%
13. HZ Group of Companies, Israel- Biwott 100%
14. Lima Kenya- Biwott 50%, Moi 50%
15. Air Kenya- Biwott 50%, Moi 50%
16. Safaricom Kenya- Biwott, Charles Field Marsham and Gideon Moi.
17. Uhuru Highway Development – Biwott
18. 10,000 hectare ranch in Australia
19. Kenoil-Kobil- Biwott.
20. Petrol Stations in Uganda Operated through Kenol-Kobil! (Worth KSh7
21. Westmont- An independent power producer company owned by Biwott and Harbinder Sethi Singh.
22. Grand Diani Reef Hotel – Biwott
23. Regional Air – Biwott.
24. H Y oung and Company Steel manufacturers – Biwott
25. First American Bank- Merali, Biwott, James Kanyotu, Gideon Moi
26. Middle East Bank- Biwott, Moi
27. Trans-National Bank -Moi, Biwott, Nyachae, Kangwana

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