Friday, February 7, 2025

How to check if a company is legit

Before falling for scams which might cause you huge financial losses, ensure you have done enough research on that particular company before striking any business deal with the company.

The following ways can help to identify if a certain company is legit or if it’s just a mere scam;

Have a look at the official website of the company

Browse the company’s official website carefully to ensure there are no suspicious activities on the site. Read through the goals, mission and vision of the company.

Co-Op center

Check if the company have terms of service on their website.

Look for email addresses and telephone number of the company on the website.


A company lacking its contact details and terms and conditions is most likely to be a scam.

The company’s accepted mode of payment

If a company only accepts cash payments and not any other electronic mode of payment, then it is most likely a scam.

A legitimate company should accept more than one form of payment.

Google the company

Google that particular company, you are likely to find comments on that company. It’s unlikely that one can hide all the negative comments regarding the company. See other people’s opinions of the company.

Co-Op post

Also check to see if the company have won any awards or been nominated in any awards category, this will help in verifying it is indeed legit.

Also google the company’s credit score before signing any important deal with that company.

Check the company on the Registrar of Companies

To confirm if the company is legit and registered, check it on the registrar of companies. Here you will find the list of all registered companies in Kenya.

Visit the company physically

Apart from looking up for the company online, physically visit the company and notice any red flags in its operations. Check the locality of the premises. While at the company, request to see original registration documents of the company before signing any business deal. You can be accompanied by a lawyer or an advocate to confirm if the signed original documents are genuine.



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