How to dress for a job interview

The first impression during a job interview really matters.

Interviewers can decide they will not hire you the first 10 seconds you enter the interview room. For every job seeker, knowing how to and dressing appropriately for an interview is important. This is because how a person dresses will guarantee whether or not they will get hired.

Dressing for an interview can sometimes be a difficult task. Because different people have different ideas of what “appropriate” dressing is.  Too much for an interviewee may be too less for an interviewer. Mastering how to dress well for an interview may be a great step for one to bid unemployment goodbye.

Co-Op post

In the ’50s the number of graduates was minimal, one could easily get a job because he/she was a graduate. Less emphasis was made on the interviewee’s dress. But currently, there are thousands of qualified but unemployed graduates who look for the same job positions. Dressing well for an interview is mandatory. Current companies aim at hiring recruits who are perfect in all aspects, from dressing to competence.

Appropriate dressing

For male interviewees, dressing in a black suit with a tie, white shirt and brown official shoes is an appropriate attire for the interview. For ladies, an official dull coloured official wear will do. Always avoid wearing casual outfits for interviews.

While going for an interview, avoid dressing the way you will be dressing while at work. E.g., do not go for on construction job interview wearing an overall, because that is what to wear while working. Or going for a laboratory technician job interview in a lab coat because that is what you will wear when working.

Always dress appropriately for every job interview you attend. There are occasions when one is totally unable to decide on what to wear. In such cases, he/she can visit one of the nearest clothing and fabric outlets e.g. Woolworths and ask for advice. Alternatively, one can hire a professional stylist to help him or her dress for the interview.

Remember to always dress like you are going for an interview for the most senior position in that company regardless of the position you applied for. Always dress for a level higher.