Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tips for the best bedroom makeover

Of all the places at home, the bedroom is the most intimate room. From the make of the bed, the choice of duvet, the detail of the walls and ceilings, the bedroom truly manifests and reflects your personality. However, to many people, the bedroom is only a place to sleep. Apparently, the bedroom is the easiest of all rooms to neglect. But it does not have to be a box of skeletons that you’d never wish your acquaintances to see. You can very well replace the building cobwebs with glamour, taste and a pleasant personality that matches up to who you really are. Here’s how you should go about restoring that touch of bliss:

The Bed: It’s the most important and dominant element of any bedroom. Therefore, make it a focal point. Go for bed linen that is cozy and comfortable, and use throw cushions to make it look more inviting. Choose some fine bed covers to top your bed. They could be made for snuggling, for instance, like a down comforter. To enhance intimacy, ultra soft duvets will be fine for you. However, don’t stuff your bedroom with dozens of unnecessary items, lest it becomes too tight and stuffy. Note that a beautiful bedroom furniture or a stylish dresser will display and, or hide your items as necessary and become part of the overall bedroom show case. If you don’t have enough space, then you may choose to make some furniture your focal point. Adding two love seats where you and your spouse can indulge, reflect and relax together before tucking yourselves is a good option too.

Colour: Go for colours that make you feel relaxed and comfortable. But don’t go for overly bright colours or overly dull ones. Choose a variety of textures that will give your room a layered look. For instance, if your bedroom is too large or feels too empty, try using a deep and rich colour. For example, royal blue, deep pink, chocolate or simply whites are good choices that will eclipse the feeling of emptiness and make your bedroom feel much more intimate. To get the different textures within your bedroom correct, try using a monochromatic color scheme.

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Light: Fluorescent lights are totally unacceptable for an intimate bedroom. Note that your bedroom is not a football ground that it will need floodlights. To create a mood of intimacy, consider soft lighting overhead, a clip-on task lamp, or even lights that shine from underneath the bed. Note that lamps are particularly essential for any bedroom as they create a sense of warmth and comfort, and a light for bedtime reading.

Floor: A thick carpet where your feet sink into the pile is a good addition for your floor. If a carpet is with – out your reach, then throw down a luxurious rug. Remember, for instance, that a cheery yellow rug is like a burst of sunshine in a low key. Nonetheless, a 4*6 foot rug by the bed should be ideal.



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