Thursday, March 13, 2025

How to know quantity of feeds your cow needs

Feed intake is the key factor in maintaining high milk production.

Maximum milk production is not determined by feeding the cow a lot, it is by feeding the cow quality mixed ration in just right quantities and these rations are usually formulated based on crude protein and energy requirements; minerals and vitamins.

In situations where balanced dry matter intake cannot be achieved through bulk feeds, commercial concentrates are usually supplemented but depending on quantity of milk produced, more often at an approximate rate of 2kg per every litre of milk above the first five litres produced.

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For example, a cow that produces 15 litres of milk can be supplemented with 5kg of standard dairy meal to a maximum of 12kg.

Alternatively, you can gradually increase supplements until the cow reaches its potential milk production and when any more increase in supplement does not yield additional milk, then you continue with the immediate previous quantity.


However, it is important to note that these parts of feed should be mixed and fed to cows depending on the stage of lactation as nutrient requirements are different.

Now that you have struggled to feed your cow for long, it must be in the mid lactation period.

Therefore, the key strategy is to maximise dry matter intake.

Feed the animal on high quality forage (minimum 40 to 45 per cent of the ration dry matter) translating to least 4 per cent of their body weight dry matter, each additional kilo of dry matter consumed will support 2 to 2.4kg more milk.

Concentrates should not exceed 2.3 per cent of body weight and crude protein should be 15 to 17 per cent.

Note that the requirement per cow based on the milk produced is a scientific calculation procedure and available in the market nowadays are computer software that an expert in animal nutrition can use to calculate individual feed requirements for a cow taking into consideration the breed, weight, milk quantity, locally accessible or available feed/nutrient sources, stage of lactation etc.

Ensure you provide your cow free access to fresh water. The pens should also be dry and comfortable because the cleanliness of the pens and, most importantly the animals, can save them from lameness and diseases like mastitis.

A good housing system should consider the spatial and behavioural needs of the animals.

Before constructing the pen, it is important the farmer understands how an animal behaves when undertaking routine activities such as drinking, feeding, walking, lying and rising


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