Wednesday, March 5, 2025

How to maintain your Nissan X-Trail

Nissan Xtrail is a comfortable and sturdy four wheel drive sports utility vehicle from a reputable car manufacturer. However, like all vehicles, the Xtrail’s lifespan greatly depends on the user’s commitment to regular maintenance. It is also important to establish the service history of a used Nissan Xtrail when you buy one.

Service history is a written record of the routine and periodic maintenance procedures carried out at certain mileages in the life of a vehicle. In the absence of legible service history, as is usually the case with used cars from Japan, motorists ought to consider the mileage covered and ask their mechanics or service technicians to carry out manufacturer recommended inspection of the serviceable or replaceable engine, chassis, body and electrical components.
In your particular case, you have not mentioned the mileage, engine type (diesel or petrol) or transmission type (manual or automatic) so I will provide a general guidance.

Nissan provides a detailed periodic maintenance schedule for the Xtrail which you can access online. The maintenance schedule outlines major inspection points to be carried out after every 10,000 kilometres (kms) up to 100,000kms. Regardless of the mileage your Xtrail has covered, and in consideration of the possibility that you have not got the service history of your car I would suggest you ask your mechanic carry out the following inspection or replacement where necessary.

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A). All fluid inspection. Engine oil is mandatory to replace every 5,000kms using a suitable fully synthetic product with viscosity 5W40 or a mineral grade oil with viscosity 15W40.
Shell provides products which meet those requirements. Automatic or manual transmission fluids, transfer case and differential gear oils should be inspected and replaced if they have a dark colour and strong smell or if the vehicle has covered over 60,000kms.
Nissan recommends Dextron iii synthetic oil for the automatic gearbox, semi synthetic gear oil with viscosity 75W90 for the manual transmission, differential gears and transfer case.
Brake and steering fluid should be replaced if it has turned dark or the car has covered 40,000kms. Inspect brake booster lines and cylinders for leaks or corrosion damage and replace where necessary.
Engine coolant should be drained and replaced after confirming that there are no leakages on the engine block, radiator, water pump, coolant reservoir and hoses.
Thereafter drain and replace coolant fluid every two years with 3.5 litres of concentrate coolant fluid mixed with 3.5 litres of water on a 50:50 ratio or approximately 7 litres of pre mixed coolant. Check or refill the window wash fluid.

B.) All filter inspection or replacement. At every 5,000km interval the oil filter should be replaced.
The air cleaner element should be inspected and replaced where found to be dirty. Regular dusting of the air filter is recommended if you frequently drive your vehicle on dusty roads.
Blow outs with compressed air tend to puncture holes in the paper filters which increases dust intrusion into your engine. I recommend dusting or replacement when the airfilter element is dirty.
Replace the air conditioning cabin filter if found dirty and consider replacing the in tank long life fuel filter (petrol engine) if your Nissan Xtrail has covered 100,000kms. However in case you Xtrail has a diesel engine it’s fuel filter should be replaced at every 5,000km oil change.
C). Brakes, steering and suspension. The Xtrail should be raised off the ground and the wheels taken off. Inspect brake pad width (and shoes where applicable) as well as the brake disc rotor surface width. Replace where deemed necessary.
The technician should inspect the condition of the steering gear, linkages, axles and drive shafts.
Suspension checks should consider control arm and stabilizer bar bushings, link bars and shock absorbers. Consider wheel alignment and balancing thereafter.


D). Body and electrical checks. Check the body for corrosion damage. Door hinges should be checked and lubricated. Seat belts should be tested while window winding systems and door locks should be tested. Check operation of all electrical accessories such as lights, horn, radio, air conditioning and wipers paying attention to the operational condition of all switches.

Check condition of vehicle viscous pulley or drive belts, tyres, wiper blades and the exhaust pipe. Thereafter the service technician should carry out a Road test to establish the driveability of the Xtrail especially transmission shift quality or clutch operation and manual gear shifts.
Attention should be paid to engine performance and if there are any noises in the suspension, engine or body that warrant further investigation.


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