Saturday, March 1, 2025

8 effective and safe ways you can save fuel when driving

How to Save Fuel When Driving: The graph on fuel prices here in Kenya has been on an upwards trajectory. Fuel prices are now at an all time high. Cars are an essential part of our day to day running and the cost of running them greatly affects our daily budgets.

So with the rising cost of fuel, how do we get our vehicles to give us better fuel economy? Here are some tips for you on how to save fuel when driving!

Ensure your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure

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Under inflated tires cause more resistance to movement thus the engine does more work to move them. This means that your vehicle’s fuel consumption increases as well. Under inflation also reduces the lifespan of your tires.

Use the correct tires

There are those who will chose to have bigger tires to increase their vehicle’s ground clearance although this is not the most effective way of doing that.

Larger tires significantly increase your vehicle’s fuel consumption. Also using mud terrain M/T (This has become very common lately) on tarmac roads also increases your vehicle’s fuel consumption.

Planning your trips saves you a lot of time and fuel as well

Planning your trips may assist you avoid traffic snarl ups. Vehicles use up more fuel in traffic, (Even when you have idling stop, the slow on and off movement means your vehicle does not run in its maximum efficiency). Google maps helps a lot in avoiding traffic.

Ensure that your vehicle is well serviced; also try use synthetic oil

The thicker the oil is, the more work the oil pump does pumping it around the engine and also the more resistance to motion it causes to the mechanical parts of the engine. This can also increase fuel consumption.

Does driving your car on Neutral gear really save fuel?

Also ensure the fuel injectors are clean and well calibrated. For petrol engines, ensure that the spark plugs and ignition coils are in top notch condition as well.

Do not brake unnecessarily

Braking when it’s not necessary makes you lose precious forward momentum and may most times mean you have to accelerate again. This uses up more fuel.

Observing the traffic and the road condition ahead will guide you on where to brake or where not to. Coasting (putting your foot of the acceleration pedal) is a good and efficient way of reducing speed.

Accelerate gently and avoid unnecessary speeding.

Even when on long trips, remember most vehicles are most efficient at RPMs below 3000. (3 on the tachometer/rev counter).

If you go above 3000rpm, fuel consumption will increase significantly. In addition to that, speeds above 110km/h will mostly increase fuel consumption by about 10-15%.

Use the AC only when necessary

Air conditioning in a car runs on fuel. If circumstances allow, use the natural AC, lower your windows.

Avoid adulterated fuel

Fuel that has been adulterated will mess up your vehicle’s fuel line and this will comprise your fuel economy greatly since lots of fuel will go to waste. It might also lead to very expensive repairs especially for modern diesel engines.


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