Sunday, February 23, 2025

How to successfully hatch and rear indigenous chicken

Q) How do I handle incubators, rear young chicks, feeding and the ratios, changing of feeds, vaccination, and favourable structures.

A) Artificial incubators regulate the temperature and humidity automatically once these have been set accordingly; day 1 to day 18 the temperature is set at 37.80c and humidity at 60-65%, then 3 days prior to hatching adjust the temperature to 37.50c and humidity to 70-75 per cent.

Upon hatching, transfer the chicks to deep litter brooder (use wood shavings as litter material and cardboard to make a circular brooder) and provide supplemental heat using either infra-red bulbs or stove hover for four weeks.

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During the first week, provide the chicks formula (to boost immunity), glucose (for energy) and liquid paraffin (to clear their digestive system). Feed chick mash for eight weeks at the rate of 35-75g/chick/day increasing the amount gradually. Vaccinate the birds against New Castle and Gumburo on the 7th day and 21st day, respectively.


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