Saturday, February 15, 2025

Innovating yourself to innovate the World

I have not been able to find a good explanation to why I am constantly seeking for new ways to do those things that everyone else feels comfortable doing the same way. It makes me look, sound and sometimes feel weird. But above all it makes me feel different, and it makes me feel “me”.

I have never wanted to become anyone else than the best and most actualized version of myself. I have been inspired by Mohamed Ali and his “I’m the Greatest” mentality. I have been influenced by Steve Jobs, Barrack Obama and Mahatma Gandhi. Their aura, presence, audacity and visions made me dream #of playing a greater role in shaping the future of humanity. Other people, like Bob Marley and Martin Luther King, who have left a lifelong legacy that we celebrate every single year, kept me mesmerized. I could not stop thinking of how and why we celebrate them every year, without end.

Then it came to me, that they too had made a dent in humanity. They had pursued great ideals and dared to take the necessary risks to bring their visions to life. And because of that, they will be remembered forever.

Co-Op post

So the next step for me was to figure out how do you live to be remembered forever? How do you create a legacy that lasts for decades, centuries, and a lifetime? And to find an answer I researched on the most impact oriented, audacious and bold individuals who have made extraordinary contributions in advancing humanity. People who we remember and recount their names even when we don’t know anything about them.

And the one thing they all had in common was an insatiable desire and ability to learn and to improve themselves and the people within their environment. I call it self-Innovation.

An integration and constant evolution of one’s self-awareness, self-mastery, self-efficacy, self-confidence, self-image and self-improvement. It’s understanding that whatever your goal, vision or dream, the best chance you have of achieving it and having the world follow is that you strive to become the best and most actualized and valuable version of yourself.

Whatever the situation you are living and going through, you should find the growth opportunity and take it. And if you don’t find a growth opportunity, YOU MAKE IT!

There’s a lot more to this philosophy that I can write down in a 500 word blog, but I’m working towards making this knowledge known and accessible to a billion people across the globe. It sounds ambitious, audacious, daring and bold, but heck! I’m innovating myself daily, so that I’ll be remembered as the guy who inspired a billion people to innovate and improve themselves for the good of humanity.

La Bonita’s Speed Networking Events help participants grow their income by optimizing their limited time to build lasting relationships and gain valuable knowledge. By attending participants have multiple conversations with like-minded business people, in a professionally structured and fun environment.
So while it might be uncomfortable in that first moment, I encourage you to join us and experience the difference. You never know who you might meet!
Amadou Chico Cissoko – The Innovation Man
@daringinnovator @man_innovation
CEO Chico’s Innovators & Consultants – Mandela Washington YALI Fellow
Founder of The VATHABA Agro tourism Retreats
Founder of MACI- Making Africa a Continent of Innovators

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