Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Isaac Kosgei: Farmer shows off his South African Dorper sheep worth Sh. 200,000 each

Isaac Kosgei is a Kenyan farmer who has made a name for himself by making use of modern and innovative farming techniques.

His company, Kibois Breeders Limited, has garnered attention for its unique approach to agribusiness. Kenyans were surprised to learn of the company’s importation of two sheep that are worth Sh. 200,000 each.

Kosgei revealed that the imported sheep breed was Dorper T5, a rare breed in Kenya. He further stated that he is one of the few Kenyans who own this breed of sheep in the country.

Co-Op post

“We imported two rams which cost our company Kibois Breeders Sh. 400,000 in what we deem as a wise investment,” he said.

Explaining the reason for the high cost of sheep, Kosgei stated that a ram holds a significant impact on the flock. A single ram can modify up to 50% of the flock’s genetics in just one season, hence justifying the cost.

Here are some of the benefits of the Dorper T5 breed:

Long Breeding Season

According to Kosgei, the Dorper T5 rams have a long breeding season. This translates to a profitable investment for farmers.

“One ram is able to breed 300-400 ewes in a year, and since they are fertile, most of them reproduce twins,” he noted.

He explained that a ram could breed for five seasons and to prevent inbreeding, the rams were exchanged with other farmers every breeding season.


The company was confident to state that farmers can recoup their investments in just a few months.

Kosgei stated that farmers should not be intimidated by the initial capital of Ksh. 200,000 as they can easily recoup the investment and there should be no cause for alarm.

“With the Dopher T5 breeding around 400 ewes per year, you will be able to sell 150 rams at Ksh40,000 each and 100 ewes at Ksh20,000 each and still be left with some for posterity,” Kibois Limited Company explained.

READ: Dorper Sheep: A Highly Profitable Venture That No One Talks About

Meat Production

According to Kosgei, the Dorper breed is renowned for its mutton production and can gain up to 10 kilograms per month.

However, he cautioned those planning to import the sheep to conduct proper research beforehand.

“Make sure you pick hormonally balanced, fast-maturing animals that are adapted to the environment and capable of enhancing ecosystem function,” Kosgei warned.

How to import Dorper T5 Sheep

Kosgei said that his company specializes in breeding and marketing the Dorper Sheep breed.

He added that Kibois Breeders had imported 28 Dorper T5 sheep for distribution to farmers all over the country.

The Dorper sheep breed is known for its adaptability and high-quality meat and skin. The company is based in the Kombe area in Nandi, North Rift region.

“We also offer a range of services such as breeding, training and consulting and construction of sheep structures,” he noted.

Kibois Breeders Limited was founded with the aim of empowering more youth to participate in Agriculture and earn a living. In addition to breeding and selling Dorper sheep, Kibois Breeders also rear Galla goats for sale.

He mentioned that Galla goats are a popular breed among farmers, and the company encourages their adoption due to the increasing market demand.

“Many Middle Eastern countries are now coming to Kenya in search of Galla goats and Dorper Sheep. For the goats, we sell at Sh. 20,000 for a buck and Sh. 15,000 for a doe,” he said.


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