Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kenya Airways under fire over ‘demeaning’ statement on JKIA workers’ strike

Kenya Airways under fire over 'demeaning' statement on JKIA workers' strike

The Kenya Airways on Wednesday came under criticism over the tone of a statement it issued regarding the JKIA workers’ strike that started at midnight on September 11, 2024.

In its statement, the national carrier had said that ‘some’ workers at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport had gone on strike and affected flights.

“Kenya Airways would like to alert you that due to the action by some JKIA staff, this has resulted in some delays and possible cancellations of some of our flights for both departing and arriving passengers,” the national carrier said.

Co-Op post

However, reports stated that all workers under the Kenya Aviation Workers Union (KAWU) had gone on strike. There were reports that since midnight, planes had not been departing or landing at the JKIA as the JKIA workers’ strike affected key areas of the airport including the control tower.

Following the statement by Kenya Airways, a number of Kenyans took issue with the tone of the statement. They argued that it was designed to undermine and demean the strike action by the aviation workers who are calling for the dropping of the controversial proposal to lease the airport to Indian firm Adani Airport Holdings for 30 years.

“Some ‘members’ sounds ridiculous coming from a national carrier. Simply put, we are on strike to stop a government led by mad people from selling our airport… Normalcy shall resume upon the full implementation of our demands. No marinating,” stated Njora.


“By ‘some JKIA staff’! It’s all staff. We must protect our airport,” stated Mutua.

“We need the staff as much as we need the services… Deal with the problem and stop blaming the staff for doing what’s right,” stated Sal.

“Today, you’ve outdone yourself – you finally have a legit excuse to delay flights! Usually, your flights are delayed so consistently, I’m convinced even the ones in the sky have somehow figured out how to slow down mid-air just to stay on brand,” stated Waweru.

India’s Adani Airport Holdings goes after 30 acres of land near JKIA in takeover bid

Kenyans don’t want Adani, public participation wasn’t met,” stated Keyombe.

“Not some, even the one who has made this update is rightfully on strike. He’s definitely on a go slow, the reason as to why this update has been made 3 hours after the strike was initiated,” stated Ketoto.

“Untrue statement, just be a little sensible and put yourself in those workers situation. Their grievances are valid seems the only language that can be heard is an industrial action,” stated Chacha.


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