Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Man filmed demanding sex for work from tea workers elected as KTDA director

A man who was filmed by the BBC demanding sex for work from women tea pickers in the South Rift region has now been elected as a director for the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA).

John Chebochok was elected as the KTDA zonal director in the Ainamoi Zone, Tegat/Toror Tea Factory, in Kericho County. He defeated Philip Tonui and K Serem in the KTDA elections that were presided over by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

John Chebochok hit the headlines in February 2023 when the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Africa Eye and Panorama broadcast an undercover investigation feature in which he was filmed demanding sex from women jobseekers in exchange for work.

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At the time, Chebochok was a contractor at James Finlay Kenya, a company had previously worked for as a senior manager. In the feature, Chebochok was also caught issuing promises of promotions and light duties to employed women workers who would have sex with him.

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He was filmed with one of his colleague who was identified in the expose as John Asava. Despite being busted on video, Chebochok was never arrested nor arraigned in court. According to the police, there was no wrongdoing on his part since no women came out to record statements.

Following the expose, James Finlay Kenya announced that it had terminated all its dealings and agreements with the John Chebochok and John Asava.

“There is no place for behaviour of this kind anywhere in our business. We firmly believe that everyone should feel safe when they come to work at Finlays,” James Finlay had said in a statement.


“We have robust policies and procedures in place – such as comprehensive guidance to staff, detailed and continuous training programmes, an anonymous third-party whistleblowing hotline, as well as dedicated welfare and medical staff available on site – to prevent abuse of any kind.”

Here is the full expose dubbed Sex for Work: The True Cost of Our Tea as was published by the BBC:

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