Thursday, March 13, 2025

An open letter to Kenyan men with families

Kenyan men with families, here is an open letter to give you that reality check on why you must not neglect yourself in the process of improving the living standards of your families. This letter was penned by Kalya Kiprono:

Dear Men,

I see men spend millions to build or buy houses then become awkward in them because it’s taken over by their wives and kids.

Co-Op post

I have a friend who spent Sh. 1,000,000 to buy a nice TV for the living room and another Sh. 250,000 for the entertainment room but he spends all his evenings watching a Sh. 7,000 worth LD… (not LG) at his local smoky joint to watch news because his wife shifts between Fine living and Telenovelas on the Sh. 1,000,000 TV.

His daughters fight over the entertainment room remote… his househleps run the kitchen TV and his bedroom is ‘strictly’ bed only.


Men, the reason you find yourselves out of your homes all the damn time is because someone lied to you that a real man builds a home without the rider that as the builder of the home, you need to accommodate yourself and make it functional for YOU.

Kings Prism Tower: The modern office space nobody wants to rent

The only time a man finds purpose in his house is watching news and entertaining the in-laws for 10 minutes before he pretends to pick someone from town and disappears for the rest of the day.

Listen, for every Sh. 1 million you spend on your dream home, spend 20 per cent on your man-cave.

Have TWO master bedrooms…one when you’re high as a kite and susceptible to annoying snores and dirty clothes on the floor and one for the missus, when you’re behaved.

Have a man-cave built with a fully stocked drinks cabinet, a snack bar, a 100inch sports TV or projector, an ice box, a bathroom and one that has access straight from the parking lot… one that has independent running water and electricity, a magazine rack and secret internet cables.

A fully stocked first aid box, One that is sound proof and one that the cleaning lady has a spare key… one that has access to the garage and one where your dirty boots and mud stained jeans can thrive without being judged….

This way, you’ll finally enjoy being in your own property… you’ll stop finding excuses to run away from your own damn house.

Men, please start being smart… we’re tired of visiting you and you find reason to take us away from your own house because you have no uwezo, no nguvu in the goings on of your own compound.

Men, please build a home for your family, but don’t forget yourself in the process….


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  1. Even me i have seen this happening to me and yet i am still in a rental house ,what will happen when i build mine? itakua vindyo . Good advice anyway.

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