The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is now set to start using dogs to nab people hiding cash in bags and jackets at Kenya’s custom control points.
The sniffer dogs will be deployed and handled by the KRA’s Customs and Border Control Department. This will target people who fail to declare that they are carrying cash at Kenya’s border entry points.
“We have intercepted people coming into the country with huge sums of money. The area we have not been able to venture into is detecting currency,” said KRA’s Commissioner for Customs and Border Control Lilian Nyawanda.
Sniffer dogs have been highly effective in nabbing currency in Europe and North America, with the German shepherd breed among the most effective breeds.
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For instance, in Germany, a German Shepherd breed known as Luke sniffed out a total of $847,070 (Sh. 105.8 million) while patrolling the Düsseldorf Airport in western Germany in less than three months.
Currently, the law in Kenya requires people entering Kenya to make a declaration if they are carrying more than 10,000 USD. This is equivalent to Sh. 1.26 million.
“Passengers should correctly declare all cargo and items at the ports of entry and exit as required under the provisions of the Second and Third Schedules of the EAC Customs Management Act, 2004,” says KRA.
Other items that are mandatory to declare include gifts brought home for relatives, items meant for resale in the country and liquors exceeding one litre or wine exceeding two litres, perfumes and toiletries exceeding one litre.