Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kunga Kihohia: From living in US streets to owning 20 acre organic farm in Kenya

Kunga Kihohia, a Kenyan native, was once a homeless man in America. However, with hard work and determination, he managed to turn his life around and now owns one of the largest organic farms in Kenya.

Born and raised in South Florida to Kenyan parents from Murang’a County, Kunga grew up in Miami before visiting Kenya with his family for five years. During his stay in Kenya, he learned to speak Kiswahili as well as his mother tongue, Kikuyu, and experienced the African culture.

After completing his college studies, Kunga embarked on a career in banking and was employed at Wells Fargo.

Co-Op post

However, he grew tired and bored of his work, and his job was affecting his health. He decided to quit but did not have the guts to approach management, so he settled for making them fire him. He started coming in late and taking long lunch breaks and soon afterwards, he got his wish. He was fired.

At the age of 29, Kunga found himself in all kinds of financial problems, and every business he started failed.


He became homeless and began sleeping in his car. He chose not to go back to his parents because he believes they did not get him into the financial mess he was in.

“I got myself in this situation, I have to take responsibility to get myself out.” So he began reading a bunch of literature books on how to become successful in life.

With the knowledge he had gained, Kunga no longer regarded money as a motivation in his life. He found mentorship as well as business partners and together they developed a business model. After about five years, he achieved the financial success he had visualized.

Despite finding success in his new venture, Kunga was still discontented with making a lot of money from something he did not love. Also, he had become obese and decided to return to what he loved, nature and holistic living.

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At the time, the Africa rising narrative had gained popularity in the US and people had begun to talk about how Africa is coming up. He began to read books on Safaricom, among other several tech startups, and was impressed.

Kunga made up his mind to return home and live the life he wanted. Before returning to Kenya, he went to Hippocrates Health Institute and pursued life transformation and health educator programs.

He later graduated as a health educator and got certified in raw food preparation. He embarked on saving his life from obesity and pre-diabetes by pursuing organic farming. He also sought to educate others on the same.

That was the genesis of the Back To Nature movement. Kunga set up his Back To Nature organic farm in Kenya in 2014.

The 20-acre farm is based on the ideology that the closer we are to nature, the more whole, happy, at peace, and at ease we are. He believes that unease resulting from modern living can be alleviated through the consumption of organic foods.

Kunga’s farm is one of the largest organic farms in the country and from it, he has become a champion for healthy living.


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