Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Langata Primary Kids Teargassed by Activists

When did activism morph into brutal criminalism?

Everyone was appalled by the recent Langata primary incident, who wouldn’t be, school kids tear-gassed by “trained police men” for protesting to get their playground back. That’s Soweto all over again; Lang’ata OCPD Mwangi Kuria definitely got what he deserved. Or did he?

It wasn’t the cops, the activists were the culprits.

Co-Op post

I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it, video evidence clearly showing one of the so-called “land activists” throwing a tear gas canister straight to the children. Jubilee Alliance Party (JAB) blogger, Higgins Mbugua might actually be on to something as he gives a detailed conspiracy theory on how activists are not the Kenyan heroes we have been led to believe.

Read the full story on his blog Kenya Online.



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    • I think whats worrying is that the media, the police and the government new about it and they still suspended the OCPD.

  1. These are typa guys who can cause WAR in a Country if not monitored by the Government and then some people have the audacity to help and back them. I’d say again if i ever hear any of them in jail and asking for bail i will just use that cash in a
    public loo;no lie.

  2. Now we know what “activists” have been up to. It is so sad that they subjected innocent children to such trauma to serve their selfish & wicked agenda.

    The media should come out and condemn this since they were complicit in it.

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