Nestled in the enchanting town of Eldoret, Kenya, the Noble Hotel and Conference Centre stands as a captivating evidence to the wondrous transformation that can occur when human dedication and passion intersect with nature’s abundant potential.
What was once a patchy and rocky land has been reborn into a picturesque paradise teeming with over 100 different plant species, creating a serene and therapeutic environment for visitors.
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This article delves into the story of Kevin Okwara, the visionary behind the hotel’s stunning garden, and explores the secrets behind his gardening success.
In 2006, Kevin Okwara embarked on a transformation journey, investing Sh2 million into the removal of rocks, meticulous landscaping, and sourcing a diverse range of plants for the garden.
His goal was to break away from the conventional brick-and-mortar hotel model and create a space of natural beauty and tranquility.
Guided by his passion for gardening, Okwara sought out specialists and traveled to various locations, including Eldoret, Nairobi, Mombasa, and even Uganda, to gather a unique collection of plants.
“Most of these plants I got from specialists. When I travel and I see a special plant, I bring it here. There is no formula I use to select plants, I tend to integrate different plants because what makes a forest beautiful is the diversity of plants,” Okwara told Business daily.
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Embracing the concept of diversity, he integrated a variety of plants, from climbers and accent plants to grasses, flowers, herbs, and majestic trees such as acacia.
The Enchanting Ecosystem
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the garden at Noble Hotel and Conference Centre supports a thriving ecosystem.
Over 50 bird species have found a home within the lush greenery, including the graceful yellow weavers and cooing doves.
Additionally, the garden provides a habitat for insects such as bees, worms, and even small reptiles like chameleons.
Since hosting its first wedding photo session in 2010, Noble Hotel and Conference Centre’s garden has become a sought-after venue for a wide range of celebrations.
From weddings and engagements to anniversaries and bridal parties, the garden’s serene ambiance serves as a perfect backdrop for memorable events.
Okwara’s pricing structure is flexible, with charges depending on the duration of the event.
The popularity of the garden soars during peak seasons, coinciding with school holidays in April, August, and December.
The Rewards of Care and Attention
Maintaining a thriving garden requires meticulous care and attention.
Recognizing this, Kevin Okwara employs a team of five dedicated gardeners to tend to the plants on a permanent basis.
Regular maintenance tasks include replacing aging plants, protecting them against diseases, providing adequate nutrition, watering, and diligent weeding.
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“You have to invest in protecting them against diseases, feeding them, watering, applying fertiliser as well as weeding. People tend to plant these young plants and forget about them . . . the devil is in taking care of these plants that you have to spend money in gardening. . . for instance, whenever it is cold, they are susceptible to blight so you have to spray them regularly,” Okwara says.
Okwara emphasizes that gardening is not merely a one-time endeavor but a continuous commitment to nurturing and supporting the growth of each plant.
Okwara attributes his garden’s success to passion, continuous research, and learning from other well-maintained gardens.
Drawing insights from his travels and the internet, he constantly updates his knowledge to better understand the needs of different plants and the soils they thrive in.
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