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Home AGRIBUSINESS How to make good money growing Oyster mushrooms

How to make good money growing Oyster mushrooms

How to make good money growing Oyster mushrooms

Did you know you can easily make good money from growing Oyster mushrooms here in Kenya? I have realized a good number of Kenyans are not aware of this amazing opportunity staring at them. There is a growing demand for Oyster mushrooms both locally and globally.

Here’s how to make good money easily growing oyster mushroom:

Oyster mushrooms are fairly easy to grow. An oyster mushroom takes about six weeks from start to harvest. That’s one of the reasons they’re the perfect mushroom for the part-time grower. To be a successful oyster mushroom grower, you don’t need to have a full-time commitment. You can work a full-time job or have other commitments. If you can spare a few hours a week, then you have enough time to be a successful mushroom grower.

Caves, abandoned mines, or root cellars often have the desired temperature and humidity for mushroom cultivation (although such places may require additional ventilation). Unfortunately, these ideal mushroom “dens” just aren’t available to most folks. To overcome this scarcity, a variety of man-made structures are used for mushroom propagation.

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Now let’s do the maths:

The main requirements to start the mushroom business are Spawn or the seed, a room, Substrate or the soil substitute. Mushroom growing requires as little capital as ksh30, 000 to start the business (according to mushroom growing expert). Oyster Variety’s investment requirements are higher with matching returns. The incubation period for mushroom mycelium is one month and the harvesting period is three months. A room with 3 x 3 meter dimensions can hold 1000 mushroom sets on small polythene bags.


Each bag can produces at least 400 grams of mushrooms. A kilogram of oyster mushrooms sold locally costs KSH 600. If 1000 bags each yield 400 grams and a kilogram of mushrooms sells for Sh600 the total revenue will be Sh240, 000, minus packaging costs of Sh40 a pack.

Where to find market for mushrooms:

The main markets for mushrooms are restaurants, grocery stores, farmers markets, international markets etc.

Increasing demand for mushrooms is as a result of its high nutritious value.

So instead of sitting back trying to figure out which ‘side hustle’ can be perfect for you why not try mushroom farming today!

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