The M-Pesa Foundation has tAoday broken the ground for the construction of a KES 45 million modern maternity wing at Kianjakoma Health Centre in Embu County as part of its efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality in the country.
The hospital, which is 20 kilometres away from Embu Town, was stretched by the growing demand for maternal and child health services in the area. The maternity wing will be equipped with an antenatal and postnatal unit, a newborn unit (NBU), 25 beds, an operating theatre, and a 2-bed delivery room to boost maternal services delivery at the facility.
“We invest in health through various programs that address critical needs in our communities. Among these needs is maternal and child health. We partner with County governments in all 47 counties to ensure that the required infrastructure and equipment is in place to enable quality, affordable, and accessible services,” said Joseph Ogutu, Chairman, Safaricom Foundation.
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The new maternity wing will play a pivotal role in enhancing maternal healthcare services and providing a safe and comfortable environment for childbirth and postnatal care while addressing the increasing demand for quality maternity services in the region.
In Embu County, the Foundation has invested over KES 400 million in education, health and economic empowerment projects since 2003 impacting more than 224,000 people. In September last year, the Foundation launched a comprehensive TVET Scholarship program at the University of Embu set to benefit 1,300 students.