Monday, March 10, 2025

Money decision that will make your rich

Chris Hart: Being rich sounds so wonderful. It’s no wonder we’re tempted by all the get-rich-quick schemes.

But loads of people become prosperous without them. And all by themselves, without inherited money or crazy scams.

They all started out in stuffy little apartments, just like the rest of us, working for the minimum wage and eating the cheapest food.

Co-Op post

But even then they were saving a little of everything they made, no matter what. All genuinely rich people say the same thing: work hard, live within your means and save some money every month, however little. Build up a reserve, then invest in a business, or shares and the like. Buy property last of all.

This is because to get rich, you need to keep your money flexible, invest for the long-term, and avoid personal loans. Raising money for a profitable business is fine, especially from investors rather than lenders. But borrowing for anything else is crippling. Nothing’s worth paying all that interest.


Expect your investments to grow over the years, not over-night. And plan accordingly with long-term goals for your education, career, relationships, children and work in the community.


Because your time on this earth is limited, give plenty of it to your family and whatever you love doing most. Better yet, turn what you love doing into your profession. Work so hard at it that you become brilliant. Network to get well known, because once word gets around that you’re amazing at something, you’ll always be in demand. And start thinking about working for yourself.

Why? Because the richest people in the world are all self-employed. Starting a business is much easier than you think, so follow your dreams  now. Putting things off just means someone else gets there first.

Look over your finances every month, and be completely open about them with your spouse. Money’s one of the main reasons couples argue, whether rich or poor.

There are two reasons for that. Firstly, because once you have the basics, more money won’t make you any happier. And because people’s attitude towards money reflects their most basic feelings about the world. So rows about money are really about the deeper issues between you — such as control, independence, commitment, trust and security.

You’ll avoid a lot of trouble by talking about money before you get married.

How you’ll manage the housekeeping, personal spending, savings and long-term plans. Agree on whatever works for you, and start doing at least some of it straight away. Couples who manage their money as a team are always happier than those who don’t.

Above all, remember that life’s not really about money. Don’t spend all your time lusting after it. It’s great having nice things, but it’s what you do that really matters — especially for others. Wealth often leaves people isolated, lonely and scared.

Envied perhaps, but nobody really cares about them. It’s better being loved, believe me.


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