Thursday, March 6, 2025

I want to quit Sh. 150,000 job, move to Canada on visit visa but my family is against it

I am a banker working in Project Management. I have recently received a Canada Visitor Visa approved. I earn Sh. 150,000 gross and receive Sh. 75,000 because I have a loan of Sh. 1.5 million. I pay around Sh. 32,000 for it plus government deductions.

In 3 years my salary will be Sh. 500,000. All my loved ones are against me resigning and going to start from zero in Canada on a visit visa.

Please help me make a decision. I manage IT projects but I can do construction projects. Besides this, I have a degree in Computer Science from the University of Nairobi.

Co-Op post

Here is what a few Kenyans said she should do:

If you haven’t cleared your loan , don’t re-sign from your current work station. Those who have ever travelled will understand my statement.Just apply for leave go have a reconnaissance,try the deep end waters during your leave period,if you’re lucky to secure a job ,then return back and resign remember by relocating you have bank loan waiting for money submission end of the month,na Canada theirs is not job waiting for you to start working and earning unless you have alternate source of income for paying your loan. – Fredrick


You will hear those in canada saying life is hard but no day they will run to kenya..instead yoi will hear and see them building appartments while discouraging you to try their way….we cannot buy fear even if it takes us five yaers to stabilize that’s what we must try. – Hesbon

Please go visit and come back. Then continue making outside visits as vacations as you come back and work… As you come to know places and people and different systems, you will make an informed decision about relocating completely. Most probably you will end up staying in Kenya because you will realize that …. Majuu is overrated! Especially if you have a stable good job in Kenya!! – Muthoni

Move to a cheaper house, use matatus instead of living on debts to please people

Don’t go to Canada my friend, with a computer science degree you better try USA…….. Canada is not friendly to software developers….. Taxes and Rent will make you a beggar. – Makori

If you can take paid leave like for a month or two, then go see how that end is before resigning. But have a concrete plan like where you’ll stay etc. Try interact with Kenyans there or maybe pple u know to guide you. When you’re coming back, hopefully you’ll have an informed decision of which direction you want to go. But don’t resign first. Get in touch with maybe an agency to give you a travel plan ndio usiende tu fuaaa! And mind your expenses. Try to stay in ‘cheap’ places ndio usimalize pesa zako na visit trip…all the best and come back and give us findings za huko. – Betty

DON’T quit your job, Take a month… Buy your ticket visit Canada gauge what you see and also allow your gut to guide you. Then sleep on it, THEN and then fully decide.

But you might just risk throwing you job and languishing in the Streets of Toronto (but hey I heard heri kucry kwa barabara za canada than 🇰🇪) So go out for the month test the ground. – Abby

Is a hundred K salary In Kenya a good pay? I think it’s decent but as from his calculations, together with the inflation as we well know it, there’s absolutely not much else you can do apart from pay bills. I am not for going or staying but if you can build a career to 500k in three years, why not do that because even Canada will take time to materialize.. visit but build your career to that level, so you have an alternative if all else fails, keep pursuing your CA opportunity until you find one that fits. – Marcie

With a good job you don’t need to go to Canada without the right papers . Apply for PR and be patient form here. You have education and skills . Times are hard there at the moment just like in most places post pandemic though. – Nelly

Go for your dream. Be hungry and seek your deep meaning in life . By asking for an opinion here you are procrastinating. Listen to your guts . Please go and you will surely never regret. – Ndambuki














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