Sunday, March 9, 2025

10 things only poor people do that you need to stop doing

Things Poor People Do

Things Poor People Do: The word “poor” can usually be linked to someone’s monetary status, but it also has significance in many other ways. In numerous cases, financially poor individuals have poor mindsets, which is oftentimes why they stay poor; there are exceptions of course, but we are talking about the majority of people.

Over the years, my goal has been to help more individuals change their poor perspective and mindset to find financial freedom through entrepreneurship with my book Third Circle Theory. There are a few things; however, that you can associate to poor people’s behavior and I have pointed them out to make sure you don’t fall victim to them.

1. Poor People Always See the Problem Ahead; Never the Solution.

Co-Op post

In my office, no one is allowed to state that they have a problem unless they can come to the table with possible solutions. Problems occur for everyone at any time, but the difference between poor and successful people is that all their focus goes on the problem itself rather than the solution. For example, most poor people who get in an accident spend the next three days talking about the accident, what happened, how it happened, etc. On the other hand,successful people will immediately call their insurance company, schedule an appointment to fix their car at a shop, and be done with it. You can’t change what happened, but you can make sure to move on faster in order to focus on things that matter.

2. Often Have a Lot of Advice, but Never Any Experience to Share.

A huge personal pet peeve is when I hear people giving others advice when they have yet to accomplish something for themselves. Have you ever seen a broke guy trying to motivate others? I see this shit everyday, and it really pisses me off. Poor and unmotivated people who haven’t accomplished anything do not have any business motivating others or giving them business advice. Yet, it seems that every time someone has something to say, they are the first ones to have feedback. When people speak in generality and not from experience, it is their desire to be accepted as a successful person even though they are not.

3. Spend Money That They Don’t Have.

People have budgets to allocate their spending; and while that it’s an important way to get to a better state of financial being, BUT in most cases poor people spend money they haven’t received yet. I knew a bunch of guys that used to work with me who spent 90% of their paychecks before they even cashed them. They would borrow from friends or buy something completely irrelevant like designer clothes and improve their cars instead of saving money. Wealth is accumulated, not made in one hit, and poor people often work as if they will one day be liberated with some great payment that will wipe their debt. I never understood how someone could wear a $300 belt, yet not have $2 in his or her pocket for a cup of coffee.

Continue reading on Page 2 …

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  1. I’ve been trying to be the best of myself for the past 8 years but the truth is as time passes, my mission is failing.
    I came across this article and for the first time I noted down all the 10 things that keep me away from my goals, you with the help of this article have shown me the reasons and they are all true to me.
    Thank you very much for keeping it up like this though I do not know how many people you’ve helped til now.

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