Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Naivas siblings in fresh fight over control of family wealth, supermarket

A fresh fight has rocked the family of the late Naivas Supermarket founder Peter Mukuha.

In the fresh battle, the Naivas siblings have filed separate cases seeking control of their late father’s wealth, including the family stake in the retailer.

According to a report that appeared in the Daily Nation on Monday, the children, Newton Kagira Mukuha, his sister Grace Wambui and brother David Kimani Mukuha have filed applications at the Nakuru High Court.

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They are seeking to be appointed the administrators of their late father’s estate in place of their brother Simon Gashwe Mukuha who died in August 2019.

Gashwe had been appointed the administrator of the Mukuha family empire on May 6, 2010. He owned a 25 per cent stake in Naivas.


The report in the Nation says that Kimani has claimed in court that his siblings Teresia Njeri, Charles Mukuha, Grace Muthoni, Ruth Wanjiru, Hannah Njeri and Linet Wairimu consented to his appointment as an administrator.

“He says that none of Gashwe’s heirs had consented to the appointment of the other applicants, Kagira and Wambui, as administrators,” the report in the Nation says.

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Kimani has opposed his brother Kagira’s application, accusing him of filing cases against the estate and creating a conflict of interest for being both a litigant while seeking to be appointed an administrator at the same time.

On his part, Kagira says that the Mukuha  estate will go to waste due to lack of representation. He has claimed in court that the estate is likely to be looted by strangers.

Kagira has told the court that his brother’s death was sufficient grounds to revoke the letters of administration and appoint a new administrator.

In the third petition, Wambui claims that some other properties of her late father’s estate have been wrongly distributed. According to the report in the Nation, Wambui has said that that there is a need for an administrator or administrators to resolve the dispute.

“She says her brother died before the administration was completed, adding that her father’s estate has been sued and several cases are pending in court,” the report in the Nation said.


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