NEMIS Registration Portal: The National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) is web based data management solution which collects data and information from education institutions; processes and reports the status of designed indicators; and provides the sector a solid ground for effective management to ensure that every Learner counts. The Online Platform tracks performance mobility of learners and teaching staff to ensure efficiency and effective utilization of education resources.
How can I access NEMIS website?
You can access the official NEMIS website by visiting ( Use Mozilla or Google Chrome for easy access)
How do I register our Institution using NEMIS?
Visit and go to Institutions Menu, Under the institution Menu fill in information in the Fields provided and submit.
What is the difference between TSC number and NEMIS UPI number?
TSC number is issued by the teachers service commission
How to registers institutions, staff and learners at the NEMIS education portal
- Step 1: Visit

- Step 2: Type your Username and Password to log on to the system.
- Step 3: Click login.
- Step 4: The page shown below will appear when you login.

NEMIS website home page after login/Photo
- Step 5: place cursor on institution, learner, staff, finance, reports, setup as indicated below to access what you are interested in;
- Step 6: To register your Institution click on my institution, the same applied to other categories.

- Step 7: For institution registration, Upload institution official ownership documents as shown below. Fill in the institution bio data, ownership details, institution contacts and institution documents then click complete submission.

To Access Nemis, CLICK HERE Â
The Objective of NEMIS is to help streamline the data management for informed decision-making and planning of the education sector by hosting student / pupil data, linked to a Unique Identifier that is randomly generated using a verifiable algorithm. Specific objectives include:
(1). Online platform for capture of education data at school level (school and learner information);
(2). Platform that allows all education agencies to share data collected to ease and facilitate administrative and decision-making processes;
(3). Provide an integrated Business Intelligence (BI) that provide statistics used to report national and internation indicators in education and training sub-sectors;
(4). Provide flexibility of handling of resources (including infrastructure support, texbooks and facilitation of school feeding programmes) that go to education institutions;
(5). Help in tracking of costing parameters in education and training;
(6). With inclusion of GIS components, Online Platform will help in geographical analysis of education indicators (including production of various maps much needed in the education sector).
NEMIS education registration portal support details
- NEMIS Telphone contact: +254-020-3318581or +254700000000
- NEMIS email contact: [email protected] or [email protected].
- NEMIS Official website:
- NEMIS Office Location: Jogoo House B, Harambee Avenue
- Official NEMIS pdf manual (complete): Download from this page