Saturday, March 15, 2025

How to start a wedding photography business in Kenya

By Bizna Brand Analyst

One of the best aspects of the photography business in Kenya is that it is always in high demand especially during weekends and holidays. Wedding photography is more lucrative than other types of photography because couples who are planning on getting married don’t want their best moments to be captured by amateurs. They want good photographers and they are willing to pay good money for it. So if you package yourself as a good photographer, you will make a lot of money.  The wedding photography business is a profitable venture- especially if you have the right link that will ensure that you have steady flow of clients

Starting a wedding photography business in Kenya, just like starting any other photography niche is not a difficult task and it requires moderate start–up capital to set the business up.

Co-Op post

There are some folks you can partner with if you want to make it big as a wedding photographer. These partners include: wedding planners, churches, and wedding dress sellers amongst others. People who will refer clients to you

It is important to state that there are several photographers out there who are jacks of all trades and there are some who are specialized in covering only weddings. Do note that these are the people that you will be competing with when you start your own wedding photography business in Kenya. In essence, you must be creative and innovative if indeed you want to be amongst the preferred wedding photographers in your city.


Now let us consider 7 steps that will guide you if you want to start a wedding photography business in Kenya.

1.Conduct your feasibility studies

There are various options available to anyone who wants to start a career as a photographer and these options have their own unique mode of operations. Hence, if you want to start a wedding photography business, all you need to do to get started is to first take out time to conduct your own feasibility studies.

Although, during your feasibility studies, you may decide to study other forms of photography business, your main focus should be on those who are into wedding photography business. With that, you will be able to get reliable info on how they source for their clients, the kind of camera lenses suitable for this type of photography business in Kenya, the clauses that must not be missing in the contract and an estimate of the amount required to set up a wedding photography business et al.

  1. Write your business plan

Without a shadow of doubt; if you want to start a new business, it is required that you have a good business plan in place before launching out if indeed you don’t want to run your business down. Your business plan is actually what will give your business direction and focus irrespective of the challenges that you are likely going to face at the teething stage of the business and at every other growth stage of the business.

If you can draw up a business plan; then fine. Conversely, if this might be a challenge, then you may consider hiring a business plan writer to help you get things underway..

  1. Register Your Business

It is often said that if you don’t register your business (legalize your business); the best you can become is a local champion. If you want to build a wedding photography business that can grow beyond your location and compete at national level, then you should make it a point of duty to get a business name for the business and then get the business name registered.

  1. Acquire the Necessary Camera and Photography Kits

During your feasibility studies, you would have come across some of the best and suitable cameras and photography kits that are used for covering wedding events. The bottom line is that you should endeavor to purchase the necessary camera and photography kits ideal for covering wedding events. Some of these cameras and kits might be very expensive, but if they are well managed, you can be sure to use them for a very long time and still re-sell them at a good price if the need arises.

  1. Rent a Facility for Your Studio

Even if most of your job will require that you go to event centers and churches, amongst others to cover wedding events, it is still very important to rent a facility for your studio. Aside from the fact that intended couples may visit your studio for their pre – wedding pictures, your studio will also serve as your office base. That means a place where clients can visit to make enquiries. Thus, ensure that you rent a facility that is easily accessible and good-looking.

  1. Network with Wedding Planners and Market Your Business

Although, you can employ the use of tested and trusted market techniques to source for clients for your wedding photography business, one of the surest ways of ensuring that you get regular wedding photography jobs to cover is to network with wedding planners.

If you are lucky to partner with a well established wedding planner in your city, you can rest assured knowing that you will get at least a wedding event to cover in a week from commencement of business. You can also leverage on other means to promote your wedding photography business in Kenya. They are the; social media especially an account on Instagram will go a long way in helping you grow your wedding photography business in Kenya.

If you follow all the steps highlighted above and you are determined and hardworking, it won’t be too long before you become a popular wedding photographer. Do also have at the back of your mind that creativity is also a major factor to be a success in this trade.


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