Military planes that will be on standby during US President Barack Obama’s visit have arrived.
The planes landed at Kenyatta University on Tuesday. The aircraft can transport 24 passengers unlike ordinary helicopter that carries hardly five people.
The green chopper and the four Osprey air-crafts later flew back to the Old JKIA airport where they were parked to wait for the arrival of president Obama.

Boeing V-22 Osprey is not an ordinary helicopter since it can fly at a very high speed, 78-times the speed of the ordinary chopper. This aircraft is basically designed to evacuate the US president in case of security emergency. According to Boeing website, the V-22 Osprey is a joint service multirole combat aircraft utilizing tilt rotor technology to combine the vertical performance of a helicopter with the speed and range of a fixed-wing aircraft. The Boeing V-22 Osprey is classified as a large helicopter, and can be used for military missions.