Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)

Poorest countries in Africa : As much as Africa as continent is striving to develop, these countries are still lugging behind and have a gross domestic product of less than $500. These countries’ economy is largely affected by political insecurity and wars which are prevalent.

These are the top 10 poorest countries in Africa basing on International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Gross Domestic Product per Capita which is a measure of a country’s purchasing power in international markets:

10. Guinea: GDP Per Capita $ 558

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)

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The country of the west coast of Africa, Guinea which is officially known as Republic of Guinea but sometimes country called as French Guinea, this region is not such a short country but has total area 245,860 Square kilometers and has total population of 10.5 million, this country is prominently an Islamic country because it has more than 85 % of total population is Muslim. This country is rich in deposit of Gold and Diamonds but despite of this very poor in income per capita which is $558, after their independence from France, country is facing large problems of Finance therefore due to poverty death rate also increase.

9. Ethopia: GDP Per Capita $ 505

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)


Another African country Ethiopia which is officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it has border connected with Somalia, Kenya and other prominent countries, it is consist of large area which is 1,100,000 square kilometers and population is also is not far less than with respect to Area that is 100 million inhabitants therefore largest landlocked country and second in population after Nigeria in this Continent. Despite of rich in area and population but overall considered to be poorest country because it has income per capita less than $505.

8. Democratic Republic of Congo: GDP Per Capita $ 484

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)

Congo which is officially known as Democratic Republic of the Congo, country is located in Central Africa, it is only country that has most names because from 1908 to 1960, it was called as Belgian Congo and till 1997 named as Zaire, this country is second largest country of Africa in respect of area, fourth largest in population in this region therefore it has population more than 77 million. As interesting to know that, country is richest in natural resources but due to political instability, corruption and misuse of these resources below the poverty line because income per capita is much low that is $484.

7. Madagascar: GDP Per Capita $ 463

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)

Madagascar is another one of the huge nation of Africa, country is officially known as Republic of Madagascar, island is known as fourth largest in the world, country gained independence in 1960 but country is officially governed by constitutional democracy since 1992. According to reports population of this country is just over 22 million but shocking to know that more than 90 % of the total population has $2 per day which is absolutely due to political instability, income per capita is about $ 463 that is totally depends upon the agriculture, so their living standard will absolutely increase with this income.

6. Liberia: GDP Per Capita $ 454

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)

Liberia is located on the coast of West Africa and has a total area of 111,369 square kilometers with a population of 4,503,000 inhabitants. Liberia gained independence from United States of America in 1847. But after independence, country is not stable in every walk of life including income per capita $454 which is less than international poverty rate. According to reports, before the civil wars of this country, Liberia was such a developed country but these wars not only destroyed the economy of the country but also caused more 0.5 million deaths.

5. Niger: GDP Per Capita $ 415

Top 10 poorest countries in Africa (Updated 2019)

Landlocked country of the Western Africa, Niger is officially known as Republic of Niger, this country is named after the Niger River, Niger is largest country by area in West Africa with total area 1,270,000 square kilometers but more than 80 % area is totally consist of Sahara Deserts, despite of large area, it has also large population which is about 17,138,707 inhabitants. Country is so far called as the developing but it has much lower income per capita which is $415 therefore included in poorest countries, this country has also majority of Muslim community but income in not enough to fulfill even basic needs.

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