For hybrid layer birds, consider the Issa Brown which you can source from Kenchic. In management, provide supplemental heating using infra-red bulbs for the first four weeks of the chicks’ life.
Vaccination procedure should be as follows; New Castle Disease (NCD) at day 7, Gumboro at day 14, fowl typhoid at week 9, fowl pox at week 18 and de-worm at 19 weeks just before laying begins and, thereafter, de-worm after every six months.
Provide chick mash of 35 to 75g/chick/day between 0-7 weeks. This should be increased gradually such that the birds are fed 75g/bird/day by the sixth week.
Introduce growers mash gradually during the seventh week, thereafter provide 75-110g/bird/day of growers mash until 20 weeks of age. Finally, the adults should be fed 110-140g/bird/day of layers mash. Ensure the feed is of good quality.