Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Strange rules of living in Runda leave Kenyans bewildered

If you want to build a house in Runda Estate, Nairobi, live in Runda, or visit Runda, there are certain rules you must follow. Apparently, this is not an estate for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. It is not a place for boda bodas.

This is according to a set of rules that have surfaced online on the dos and don’ts of living in Runda. The rules state that Runda does not welcome boda bodas, especially the unauthorized ones.

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In addition, loitering in the estate is prohibited. Residents have also been banned from dumping or burning rubbish within the estate.

If you drive into the estate, the maximum speed allowed is 30 kilometres per hour. For those seeking to build or rehabilitate their houses, all construction works during the weekend are banned. The notice of rules says that no construction works should take place between Saturday 1pm to Monday 7pm.


Runda estate rules

During this period, trucks and other construction equipment is banned from traversing anywhere within the estate. The estate has also banned matatus from entering through its gates. Anyone driving or walking into the estate is required to present a pass at the gate, failure to which no admission is allowed.

The Runda estate rules have also banned vehicles that weigh over 7 tonnes from driving into and within the estate.

Runda is one of the suburbs of the city of Nairobi, the capital and largest city in Kenya. It is generally regarded as one of the richest suburbs in Kenya.

It is bounded by Limuru Road to the west, Ruaka Road to the south, Kiambu Road to the east, and coffee plantations to the north.

The area encompasses Closeburn Estate, Mimosa and Old Runda to the west, Mumwe and Whispers to the south, and New Runda and Muringa to the east.

Recent developments has seen the greater Runda area expand and now include such developments as Runda Mhasibu and Runda Paradise to the north. It is separated from Nairobi city centre by the 2,500-acre Karura Forest.

The landscape in Runda Estate ranges between 1,690 meters above sea level in low lying areas to 1,727 meters above sea level in elevated areas.

The area occupied by Runda Estate (estimated to be 14km2) was once a large coffee estate owned by various firms with 3 coffee processing factories.


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