Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Why it is important to conduct site visits before buying land in 2025

Tales of people who have lost millions in buying non-existent land never cease to exist. Despite most times, such cases are very unfortunate, on other periods, it is due to a lack of due diligence that people get conned off their hard-earned money in real estate scams.

The real estate market is ever-evolving. As such, dubious people claiming to be real estate agents may approach buyers claiming to sell land dubbed ‘prime’ for a throw-away price. It is imprudent to purchase land that you have not seen firsthand.

When it comes to purchasing land, it is very important to conduct thorough research on the piece of land that you have identified. When possible, not if possible, make sure to conduct site visits to the premises where you plan to invest money.

Co-Op post

Here are five key reasons why it is important to conduct site visits:

1. To assess the land’s physical attributes

No doubt, there is a vast amount of information and knowledge online. However, there is no amount of online research that will replace a firsthand visit to a potential property. That is why it’s called real estate.


This site visit will allow buyers to evaluate their priority considerations before making the purchase. Such include the plot’s environment, soil, water access, proximity to amenities such as schools and hospitals, and more.

AMCCO Properties Ltd, a real estate company in Kenya, cover the site visit costs and ensure prospective buyers get to physically inspect the land, to ensure it matches the description that they have provided. They also offer virtual visits.

Tebere Karanja, a client who purchased land from AMCCO, praised the real estate seller for their timely follow-ups and a well-organized site visit that exceeded his expectations. The company was prompt and professional.

2. To gain an understanding of the surrounding neighbourhood

There is more to just what sits within the property. A world lies outside its boundaries. By taking up a site visit, buyers get insights into the dynamics of the surrounding community. They get to assess the infrastructural developments and see neighbouring properties and projects.

Armed with this information, it is more likely that the buyer will make an appropriate and efficient estimate of the plot’s ambience and general livability, by picturing themselves as part of that local ecosystem.

Remember, a site visit is more than just a mere property inspection. Decision-making will be easier and smoother.

3. Builds trust and confidence

Further to gathering firsthand information, a site visit guarantees a closely-knit relationship between the buyer and the seller. Both parties will be able to address any concerns or questions in real time and work towards a mutually beneficial agreement.

AMCCO Properties is committed to ensuring complete transparency and integrity by guiding its clients every step of the way. They offer customized land searches, efficient customer service, structured site visits, flexible payments and ready title deeds.

By purchasing land through AMCCO, you are guaranteed to be making a smart investment.

How AMCCO properties helped US foreigner to purchase land in Kenya

4. Helps make an informed investment decision

Note that first-hand experiential insights cannot be replicated with secondary sources. Now that the buyer has seen the property they are considering purchasing, they can make an informed decision of whether to go through with the purchase or not.

If a buyer is not satisfied with the plot they visit, AMCCO Properties understands that first impressions may not always impress. They allow clients to explore other plots until they find the one that best suits them. AMCCO clients comfortably purchase the perfect piece of land without feeling any pressure.

“It’s a very good investment company to work with especially when one is looking to buy land,” noted one of AMCCO’s clients.

5. Legal Compliance Verification

A site visit will provide a client with the opportunity to verify whether the property’s legal compliance and documentation are accurate and up-to-date.

AMCCO ensure that the client inspects the land and that it matches all legal documents regarding the said piece of property. This helps mitigate the risk of future legal disputes and encumbrances that could affect a buyer’s investment choice.

AMCCO Properties do not just sell land but rather they guide their clients through their land ownership journey with care and integrity.


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