The exhilarating show Night of Jumps is now StarTimes! The show is currently showing on StarTimes channel ID: DTH 253. The NIGHT of the JUMPs is the worlds oldest and biggest international series of freestyle motocross.
The event showcases breath-taking tricks and explosive shows in a battle of skill and showmanship. The judges don’t decide who is the overall winner until the very end and only then is the World Champion announced.
Jaw dropping stunts and unbelievable tricks explode into state-of-the-art arenas packed with hordes of spectators. Blending world-class sport with fascinating showmanship, “Night of the Jumps” delivers nail biting, adrenaline packed action directly to your home.
In performing the stunts, riiders will use modified motocross bikes with after market parts to lower weight and improve performance.
In the same vein, riders will often shave down the seat foam to give a wider range of motion and better grip on the seat. Steering stabilizers are also common, and help keep the front tire running straight when tricks requiring the rider to let go of the handle bars are performed.
Interestingly, you can catch all the action on StarTimes channel ID: DTH 253.